Provide your security guards the opportunity to not only get things done using the security patrol app but also the brilliant GuardsPro Guard Web Portal.
Maximize the power of the GuardsPro Guard Web Portal by clocking-in/out of a shift in the office. Need to keep an eye on all your time logs and access attendance to always stay up-to-date? Check that off the list.
Guard Web Portal of GuardsPro guard management software empowers the security guards to complete their guard tour reports more efficiently by eliminating the need to do it from the security patrol app.
Integrated with the GuardsPro security guard scheduler software, the Guard Web Portal allows guards to view and confirm schedules. Time off requests can be applied, details can be viewed, and their status verified online.
Company policies and site-specific post orders necessary for improving operational efficiency can be viewed on the GuardsPro Guard Web Portal. To ensure they are followed, guards can acknowledge them on the portal.